Great sleep feeling good

Great sleep feeling good

The most amazing thing happened yesterday, I slept through the night. I’m not talking about until 5 AM, I’m talking about not getting up until 8:30 AM to first use the bathroom. I don’t think that has happened to me once in the last 15 years. I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t even about to have an accident as I emerged from my bed. I was in total bladder control. It was like a miracle, a gift from the universe.

According to my watch app that tracks my sleep, you can see where my deepest sleep was (red) when I was in a lighter sleep (orange) and where i was restless or awake (green). I didn’t open my eyes until 8:23 but i definitely was up before then. I don’t understand why I had nothing in deep sleep but it didn’t matter I woke up feeling rested.

I actually felt good and today my workout felt productive. I did both my MS exercises from The MS gym and Cize from Beachbody on demand. This whole week my cardio portion of my workout has felt forced. I don’t think I had one day that I truly had a really good workout. I pushed myself to do it each day. Today I felt good and my stats showed the difference. I had fun doing my Cize workouts. I haven’t done them in a while. Sometimes you need to do the things you like not the things that you think burn more calories. I actually burned more today than any other workout this week. It makes a difference when you are into the exercise you are doing. I sometimes forget that part.

So a good night sleep, a great workout and a beautiful day outside. I am definitely in a cheerful mood. Yesterday we actually took both dogs for a walk. Although it is beautiful out again today, I think I’m going to skip that. As good as I feel, I did what I love to do, I kicked my own ass this morning. I worked out for a total of 70 minutes and I might have fatigued myself but it felt really good. I have a nice smile on my face.

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