My week finding agencies
Well after my blog on Wednesday, I figured I better lighten things up a little. I just don’t know if I have anything light to talk about. It’s not that anything is necessarily bad but it isn’t that great either. I had terrible spasticity this week. My legs have been super stiff. It has made getting up out of my chair and bed difficult. It is very difficult to move when one or both of your legs don’t want to bend. I just don’t know what brings this stuff on. It’s been a hard week. I’ve have been tired too from the extra energy it’s taking for me to maneuver my legs. Thankfully, my week wasn’t too intense.
This week I have spent making phone calls. As part of the NYS nursing home transition diversion program https://multipleexperiences.org/2021/10/18/intake-with-suffolk-independent-living-organization/, I have to pick a nursing agency. I was given a list of about 40 agencies. I was told to contact 6-7. I have contacted 14. I’ve heard back from 4. One which indicated they have availability but getting out for an evaluation will take a while. That basically means if I choose them, the length of the application may greatly increase. Another one only asked me where I was located and my diagnosis. Never heard back. The other two, one I got a good vibe from. However, the agency that started me on this whole thing, my first choice, has not called me back nor answer my emails. I actually wrote them at the end of last week and nothing. Very strange. I was hoping to wrap things up this week. I was told all the agencies do the same thing. I can always change at a later date. I am just stumped by the original agency that helped me and hasn’t been in contact. Should I just move on?
I did find out that the nursing agency decides on the nursing hours requested. Suffolk Independent Living Organization approves the agencies care plan request. I must admit I can’t make this decision without discussing with my mom first. Even though I preferred my original agency, not calling back isn’t really a good sign. I think I should just pick the one I had good vibe from. Not like I had endless choices. I have course could contact other agencies and see what happens, but I think that might be a waste of time. I just have to get my mothers opinion and see if she agrees. I don’t want to waste time on this step because the next steps take a lot of time too. This whole process can take 3 to 6 months. I’d rather it be on the edge of three.