Oh yeah I remember another manic Monday
Good morning. I am not sure where my post is going to go today because I have no idea what I want to say. I have a headache again. I’ve been getting them more and more frequently. Luckily they have been going away with ibuprofen but I’m on medicine everyday for headache/migraines, why am I getting them? They were really bad when I was sick last week but I had one yesterday and now I have one today. I guess I really know these headaches are actually caused by my spasticity in my back. My muscles in my upper back feel like they’ve been twisted by a spaghetti fork and thus cause the pain into my head. That’s why the ibuprofen works.
Wow, I read back that paragraph, that was a mess. I can’t think well when I have a headache. I’m sad today. I realized once again I can’t foster any dogs especially while I have Marshmallow around. He had a fight with Zoey the other day over food and I couldn’t get over to them fast enough to break it up. Luckily Zoey only has a few cuts over her eye but I can’t protect her. How can I foster? I can’t even train her. I can’t walk her on a leash, I can’t walk period. I had to get training help from my dog walker. How can I foster? How can I help? I can’t even move enough to do anything. It is sad. It was my dream to have a house full of fosters but it’s unrealistic. Truthfully after my sweet boy Marshmallow passes over the rainbow bridge, I think I might have to stay with one dog from now on.
I’m so tired today of having MS. I used to think I had 5 years until I needed a wheelchair full time, that was a year ago. Then I bought my car with a 3 year lease thinking that won’t be an issue. Well my lease has a year and 8 months left and I don’t think I’m going to make it. I think at the rate I’m going the wheelchair is in my immediate future unfortunately. I don’t know if I’ll even last the 8 months. Then my daughter gets my car, I sell her car and get a car that can fit a wheelchair either in it or behind it. That’s my MS reality.
Okay enough, nonsensical blogging for today. If I made grammar errors forgive me I’m too tired to go back and check. Happy Monday.
3 thoughts on “Oh yeah I remember another manic Monday”
Sorry you’re having a hard day today. And I’m sorry things are progressing more rapidly than you thought. It’s hard to Stand By and Watch. And I’m sure it’s hard to endure. That being said is there a way to bring more animals into your lovely little life? Could you go back to kitties and cats? They’re easier than dogs no? Maybe you can have a little bit more of a menagerie at home? Something that’s easier to take care of? But still give you a lot of animals? Also I know you love bulldogs but i was looking at those Maltese and they are soooo easy and mellow!
I am so sorry about your headaches. Headaches are horrible to deal with. You would never believe this, but I once had a MS Specialist tell me that headaches have nothing to do with MS. That doctor did not last with me. As I know you are well aware of, headaches are a big part of MS.
You sound like me with the wheelchair thing. When I was diagnosed 16 years ago, that was the only thing I could think MS was going to do for me. But, 16 years later I am not in a wheelchair yet. Now, I do have some issues walking right now but I think that is because of the fact I am still healing from the flare up. I do know it is hard to get the idea of a wheelchair out of you mind, but try to not think about that. Stay strong and positive and you will avoid that chair! If I can do anything to help you, please let me know!! You are in my thoughts and prayers my dear!
Thank you as always Alyssa love your words of encouragement and understanding.