Grateful for a good day

Grateful for a good day

Had a great morning, slept late. That is always a good thing. I’ve been tired. I’m always tired, that isn’t anything new. I just needed to sleep. I went into bed at 9 was asleep by 9:30 and slept until after 9AM. That is a good night.

I went swimming right after I got up this morning.

That is my Fitbit readout. Not a bad workout. Not 100% sure how the lengths are measured but I’ll take a 68 with pride. I would be curious to know how many make a mile because that would be a great goal to achieve. A mile swimming in the pool. Maybe I could google that?

I showered and got dressed and even have a few spoons leftovers. That is shocking. I never have energy after swimming and showering. I’m feeling good today. Now I’m getting prepared for a friend coming over for lunch. Love the good MS days. It is so important to be grateful for them.

3 thoughts on “Grateful for a good day

  1. You can do that! Swimming a mile 70 laps in a 25 yard pool (HS size pool) Just build up to it as you do any endurance excercise 🙂
    Look into a Pull Buoy to float your legs, I have adapted a strap to keep mine in place while I swim.

  2. You can do that! Swimming a mile 70 laps in a 25 yard pool (HS size pool) Just build up to it as you do any endurance excercise 🙂
    Look into a Pull Buoy to float your legs, I have adapted a strap to keep mine in place while I swim.

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