MS article for MS Focus Magazine

MS article for MS Focus Magazine

I was asked if I’d write a paragraph or two about contacting the MS Foundation for help with purchasing my handicap van. I jumped at the chance because they have helped me a few times over the years. They are another amazing resource to those of us with MS This is my rough draft

I’ve was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over 21 years ago. It has been a long road with many speed bumps along the way. I first came across the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation when I was looking for a cooling vest years ago and found their grant program. I received a cooling vest at no cost to me that I used for years. Since then, they been one of my key resources for just about anything MS related. I’ve found a support group that was local, MS activities like swimming and yoga, and grant programs for other devices I needed.

Most recently I received a small grant towards my handicap vehicle that I purchased in February. This vehicle changed my daily life keeping me mobile and independent. I’m able to take my motorized wheelchair right into the vehicle and transfer to the driver’s seat and I’m off. It has helped me immensely with fatigue because I’m not struggling to walk from place to place.

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has helped me throughout my many years with MS. I received small grants towards my first wheelchair as well as the stairlift that was necessary in my apartment. I couldn’t have remained as independent without the foundations help over the years. I utilize their resources often and am grateful for the support I’ve received many times.

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