My magic button is broken
I’ve been chilling in my room as work has begun in my kitchen/living room area. Making things more handicap accessible. Hopefully I will hit less walls with the additional space but I make no promises. Let’s be honest here, my wheelchair driving hasn’t improved. I’m actually waiting once again on a wheelchair repair. This is on the button that was placed on the side that immediately lifted the chair up. My magic button that has been a true lifesaver. I’ve been able to get myself off the floor because of this button, most of the time. Now it’s broken. Partly because of me and partly because of Minx.
I didn’t realize that when I lifted the wheelchair arms to exercise the wire came out. I finally saw Minx chewing on something and realized it was the wire to my button. It stopped working correctly since then but I was still able to finagle through. Then I got the same wire caught on something, I couldn’t even say what. I just noticed it was split in two. I knew what had to be done. I chewed off the outside protection and spun the two sides of the wires together. Secured it all with duct tape and I was back in business, sort of. The wire now hidden under the seat pad of my wheelchair sometimes had a mind of its own. I would start to raise up for no reason. It was becoming a little problematic.
Then I got the wire caught on my dresser and it broke on a second place. I couldn’t try to fix it again. I was already having issues with the first doctored job I did. However even with the small little piece that was in the port snd not even attached to the button, the chair would rise up with the slightest movement of the broken wire. I had to stretch it out to make the chair go back down. It would have worked too if it didn’t keep going up so often. I finally had to remove even the little broken piece of wire that was in the port attached to nothing. Now I’m waiting for a repair.
The next time o need to make sure this wire is both Jamie and Minx proof. It really is such a great button for me and has definitely helped me in many situations get off the floor. Hopefully it can be fixed soon.