Is it Ocrevus?
Two amazing things happened over the last two days that I have to tell you about. Yesterday I actually swam in the pool. I do the shorter side of the pool as opposed to the length for safety reasons. My poor aid doesn’t want to have to deal with jumping in and trying to save me where I can’t touch the bottom. There I was, back and forth and back-and-forth for almost a full half an hour in the pool. Swimming, really swimming. OK my legs might not of been in a very high kicking position, but they were moving. To this point I’ve accomplished a couple laps back-and-forth but certainly never doing it for full half an hour.
Then this morning I was doing my Beachbody exercise and I stayed standing for the entire 30 minute program. I don’t think I’ve stood up for an entire 30 minute program in over five years. I just don’t know where that stamina came from. I really have no words. I’ve been building the stamina for sure, it’s been exciting, but to stand the whole time, that is just beyond an expectation I ever thought I would see again.
My Ocrevus infusion was finished last week. Could it be because of that? Maybe it’s because of my DoTerra vitality pack, which in my opinion has been increasing my stamina to begin with. I have no idea. It’s typical thing with multiple sclerosis, I never have an idea. As much as I want to say that it isn’t the Ocrevus, it’s the last major change in my medicine. However, it’s not my first infusion of the drug and I certainly didn’t have this outcome after that round. I guess I can’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever the reasoning is something has helped make me stronger, not better, but stronger and that is a big win.