The weight I am
In the last year I’ve been battling a 8-10lb weight gain. The weight gain came on over a couple of months towards the end of last summer. This was when i had to stop working out because of shoulder tendinitis. At that point I joined weight watchers. I would spend each week tracking everything I ate losing weight one week to gain it back the next week. In the end I wasn’t losing anything and I was just getting frustrated.
I saw my obgyn to test for menopause or peri-menopause which was negative according to the tests. I saw my general doctor who tested me for diabetes, glucose intolerance, thyroid imbalance and other things that can bring on weight gain and everything was fine. He said I can go to an endocrinologist to test further but he sees nothing. He blames the MS and the lack of mobility.
I was adamant that it wasn’t the MS. I was convinced I was just as active as I always was. I started working out again figuring this was the problem. I was moving and packing and always busy but my shoulder was better so I was more active yet the scale still didn’t move. I even started swimming and nothing no change. I couldn’t understand it and it was eating away at me week in and week out.
Today I’m still the 8-10lbs heavier with no answers. It might be my age and the beginning of menopause. It may be MS. In all honesty I am less active in my everyday things. Life got tougher and I have an aid who helps me 5 days a week. I still swim 4-5 days a week and I track everything I eat. I still wear some of my clothes that I owned pre weight gain and I had to buy some in a bigger size. Guess what? That’s ok. This is how I am now. This is who I am now. This is the weight I am now.