I’m 45 years old and I’m getting a nursing aide
Certainly didn’t envision this scenario when I was young. I wanted to be a baker. I wanted to go to Johnson and Wales culinary school and become a great baker, not a cook. I don’t know what when I changed that dream to going to school for Hotel and restaurant Management, but I did, since that was my degree I graduated with. I know if asked later in my 20’s I’d tell you I should have been an accountant. However in my 30’s to present I’d tell you I should have been a vet. It’s all nonsense because none of it matters anymore. I couldn’t do any of those jobs/careers because of my multiple sclerosis. It’s progressed where I need help and because I’m alone, I need to get nursing assistance. I’m 45 years old and I’m getting a nursing aide.
I started the process a few weeks ago with my insurance. I’m lucky that I knew enough about my state Medicaid program to get the one that would cover for long term care, even at my age. Therefore I am, if found eligible, entitled to home healthcare nursing aides.
Yesterday was my evaluation. I guess she deduced from walking in my home and seeing 2 electric wheelchairs, 2 stairlifts, my rollator I use to get around my home and a cane, I might not be faking my illness. I had to answer a bunch of questions. I didn’t have any type of exam. At the end she told me she was submitting the recommendation for home healthcare for 7 days, which is the maximum. My original request was 3 days for 3 hours a day. The evaluator said she wanted to put in the maximum because 1. You can lower the days easier than trying to get an increase in days 2. MS changes and it’s easier to then increase your nursing hours when it’s already been approved for 7 days and 3. You might benefit more from less hours more days, than more hours less days.
The next step is her evaluation goes through to NYS Medicaid for approval and then back to my insurance company for approval. From that stage I get an approved nursing agency and days/hours. They do everything on the 1st of the months so hopefully everything will be in place by July 1st, otherwise it’s August 1st. I’d like all the kinks worked out before my daughter leaves for college in August. I know she’ll feel better knowing I’m ok.
I also get another med-alert system which puts my whole family at ease. I got rid of the one I had because I set the thing off accidentally so many times. I’d fall of hurt myself trying to stop the alarm more than I ever needed the alarm. Actually in the 4 years I had the system, I never needed it. Now I get it for free.
So that’s my tale. 45 and I’m getting a nursing aide. I’m not sad or angry anymore . I’ve accepted the truth that I need help. I’m fortunate I’m able to get help and I’m grateful I got the process started. It is just never where I expected to be all those years ago.
2 thoughts on “I’m 45 years old and I’m getting a nursing aide”
Take care .
Excellent! Sometimes being strong is asking for help.