Two year renewal of Multiple Experiences
It’s official, today I renewed my blog’s domain name for another two years. This also renewed my iPage contract that my blog is hosted through. I made my commitment to my blog, to my readers and to myself. That means I’m going to be around every day for another two years.
I have to admit, I’ve been a little lazy with this blog. I haven’t put much effort in lately. It wasn’t done on purpose, it was just a tough year. Between the moving into the new condo and my daughters issues with her first year of college it was very overwhelming. I have a new plan now. I don’t want to go into all the details but first and foremost I want to build up my subscribers and start reading other blogs. The blogs I am a subscriber of I read all the time. However I haven’t really been actively interacting with most blogs even though I read them. I’d like to change that. I want to expand my own blog’s subscribers and that takes work which I haven’t done. This renewal marks my commitment to get it done.
My blog really has 3 specific niches and focus:
- Multiple sclerosis is first on the list but it is also really for anyone dealing with a chronic illness navigating through life. No matter what stage of your disease, first diagnosed or disabled, I touch on all different parts of life with a disease.
- Spiritual and positive would be second. I am a spiritual person. I follow A Course in Miracles daily. I believe in the law of the universe and the law of attraction. I think everyone should watch The Secret. I try to be positive in my life because it creates a better energy around you. There are things that just are and dwelling on it doesn’t help. Life is 10% what your dealt 90% how you deal with it.
- Diet, Vegan, Plant based eating, body image. I am obsessed with the topic and it’s because I am not thin. I used to be a size 18 and I was a size 8 for the last 8 years. The last year weight has crept on a little. I still wear some of my 8 but also had to buy size 10. I’m a vegan who eats fish and tracks everything she eats on the weight watchers app. I’ve been tested for diabetes, thyroid and pre menopause with nothing showing so they blame MS. I work out 5-6 days a week. You can see my obsession.
It’s been a couple years, almost, for my blog but the direction of it is relatively clear. Now I need to pay a little more attention to it and give it the love and support it needs to grow. Today I made, and paid, for that commitment. www.multipleexperiences.org will be around for two more years.