End of summer marks next Rituxan infusion
Is summer over yet? I’m ready to put on my oversized sweatshirt. It doesn’t matter that I stay indoors with AC the humidity penetrates to my bones. I know this question was asked by Steve over at MSich Chronicles http://msichchronicles.blog/2020/07/29/evansville-heat/, but how do people with MS live in hot, humid places? I’m in countdown mode until I can officially say its Fall. Right around the time of my next Rituxan infusion.
For any new readers, I switched back to Rituxan from Ocrevus because I feel that the drug has a longer pharmaceutical history. https://multipleexperiences.org/2018/11/15/rituxan-instead-of-ocrevus/. This blog has my reasons why I switched but more importantly it also has the link to my blog that compares the two drugs. However, https://multipleexperiences.org/2017/06/28/ocrelizumab-ocrevus-versus-rituximab-rituxan/ here is the link to that blog as well.
I’ve had some problems with Rituxan over my last few infusions https://multipleexperiences.org/2019/10/29/blisters-and-rituxan/. Although one six months ago was definitely much better https://multipleexperiences.org/2020/03/20/a-blister-formed-after-rituxan-infusion-again/. I am still going ahead with doing my infusion in a month despite the possible allergic reaction and Covid. If anything it would have been the allergic reaction that stopped the infusion. Hopefully this time will once again be minimal like in March.
I have a new company that organizes my infusion so this could bring all sorts of nightmares into getting this done. They are part of the specialty pharmacy team with my insurance. All I know is they called me once a week after the last infusion about setting up my next one. Each time o had to explain I only get it every 6 months. Finally they stopped calling but now when the date is approaching will they get it together? My infusion are never easy…,